<aside> 💡 Please note that this is only available on select plans so please reach out to the support team for assistance.


Once you have installed the Return Rabbit app on your store, here are the steps you can follow to setup a CNAME forwarding to your customer returns portal.

  1. Login into your domain provider.
    1. If your domain provider is GoDaddy, this is the [link](https://in.godaddy.com/help/add-a-cname-record-19236?) for CNAME forwarding process.
    2. If your domain provider is Namecheap, this is the link for CNAME forwarding process.
  2. Open DNS settings for your store domain, for example: example.com
  3. Here you can add a record type. Choose to add a "CNAME" record
    1. What you'll need to input:
      1. Host (either of the following)
        1. returns (this will create returns.example.com)
        2. support (this will create support.example.com)
        3. Let's assume returns.example.com for now
      2. Value:
        1. store-name.returnrabbit.app
        2. store-name is the value that makes up your Shopify store URL - assuming shopify store URL is example.myshopify.com, then the value will be example.returnrabbit.app
        3. You can verify that the URL is working by visiting example.returnrabbit.app in your browser
          1. This URL can also be accessed from the Customer Portal button on the bottom left side of the left menu on your RR dashboard
      3. TTL
        1. Automatic or 1 min (this defines how quickly the redirect needs to happen)
      4. Save the record
  4. Let us know when you've made this change. We'll whitelist your domain (i.e. returns.example.com) to work with our app.
  5. Once we have confirmed the setup from our side:
    1. You can create a new Returns & Exchanges link in your Shopify store footer & redirect that to returns.example.com so that your shoppers are able to easily access ReturnRabbit returns portal.
    2. Brands tend to announce to their customers about their new returns and exchanges platform to tell them about an improved level of post-purchase experience for their shopping with your store.